No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his sikn, or his background or his religion.
People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can
be tought to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Nelson Mandela.

Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year My FB Friends!!!!!Press release by Fikrie Zelekew

December 31, 2012

Before a new year is getting in, as a human being, everyone promises for him or herself to achieve successful and remarkable things in life whether it is accomplished as it is planned throughout the year or not. Of course, there are many external (social and political) obstacles which can be the bottle necks for its performance than personal or internal influence. The success is differ person to person commitments if it is not influenced by political and social constraints.

However, peoples’ (nations) like Ethiopia people who are tied under the yoke of dictatorship are completely not able to perform their wishes, dreams and plans freely and confidently. Their lives and securities are even treated in the hands of dictators blessing. Man can lose his life under his dictators’ hands or on the way to search safety or be imprisoned or disturbed by corrupted leaders. That means in such nations annual plans cannot be achieved as its plan. Even if life goes up and down, we need to avoid the external obstacles which are determined by the negative results of our dictator leaders.

We Ethiopians suffer for many years due to lack of good governance (lack of justice, freedom, fairness, liberty, democratic and human rights), and we fought dictatorships and corruptions for countless years. Fortunately, we succeeded to overthrow the former regime led by Mengistu Hailemariam, and we were very happy to enjoy and exercise our democratic and political rights and build distorted social and economical problems, etc but the diamond opportunity is snatched and replaced by another ethnocentric, racist and fascist dictator regime which cultivates and waters hates and conflicts among religions, the denominations, communities and clans.

Dissent ideas and criticisms risked for life sentence in prison. Political leaders, members and their supporters, journalists, bloggers, columnists, human right activists are charged in connection with terrorist acts by fabricated and false allegations just to silence and weaken their capabilities and popularities. Their properties are confiscated just to give a lesson for those who demand their rights.

Every citizen is obliged to be the member of the ruling party unless they are deprived from any social, economical, aid or development benefits. Farmers loss their properties or are deprived from agricultural seeds, farming lands and fertilizers. Corruptions are rampart more than ever in Ethiopian history. Top level officials and military Officers loot Foreign aid money and citizens taxes money and send back to foreign banks in private accounts and build Sky high buildings and rent unbelievable amount of money.

Tegray People Liberation Front (TPLF) totally monopolizes the country’s economy through its more than 66 different huge and high budgeted companies. Poor citizens children are sold to rich western countries through TPLF affiliated companies or individual business units. It is the same for the young girls who sent to the Middle East countries who are exposed for serious human right violations.

Farmers are evicted from their farming lands by the name of investment and their farming lands are given to foreign country citizens like Saudi Arabia, china, India, Pakistan, Egypt, etc. We cannot count and finish mentioning all atrocities and injustices which are committing in Ethiopia.

We thanks God for arising our compatriot and Hero Abebe Gellaw who shout at Ex-dictator Meles Zenawi (the creature of hatred and divisions among ethnic groups) to be the cause for his death during G-8 summit in New York, USA in May 2012, and for removing another Ethiopia Orthodox church cancer, Aba paulos.

For freedom lover Ethiopians and other Africa nations, 2012 was an extra ordinary year to gain a momentum against the dictatorship leaders. Oppressed people never stop fighting and never get defeated in history. Let we keep fighting dictators and be free in the year of 2013 and celebrate our freedom day in this year! To do that let we all Ethiopians get united and defeated dictators! Avoid and leave some opportunists and coward individuals behind! Freedom and dignity never come by chance and without scarifications!!!

I would like to thank who were on the oppressed and the right sides of history to voice for the voiceless of Ethiopians. I really appreciate it. Hopefully, your support will be with us until justice prevailed in the oppressed side.

God bless Ethiopia!!

God bless Norway!!

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